Logistics B.V.

Calamiteitenservice: +31(0)599-648320

JPB has two separate tank terminals available: On the Chemistry Park of Delfzijl and at our location in Farmsum.

Chemistry Park Delfzijl

The tank-terminal on the Chemistry Park has a total storage capacity of approximately 100.000m³. Next to storage of non-hazardous goods, JPB has a permit to store several hazardous products. For the loading and unloading of vessels, JPB has a personally owned deep sea jetty available. This jetty has a draft of 9 meters and the (un)loading capacity is 350m³/ hour.


The jetty for barges has a draft of 5 meters and also has an (un)loading capacity of 350m³/hour. All (un)loading activities are carried out by our own operators who are available for you 24/7. It is also possible to load trucks from our storage tanks in order to supply the local market, which increases the flexibility for you as a customer.

Below you can find an overview of our storage possibilities on the Chemistry Park per category:

Hazardous Description

Non hazardous goods

3 Flammable liquids
8 Corrosive substances
9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articlesn


Get in touch with Richard

Richard Klein
+31(0)597 - 431 536
+31(0)6 - 4193 7180

Get in touch with Benjamin

Benjamin Havik
+31(0)596 - 575 575
+31(0)6 - 2669 2232